What Is Wrong With Our Society?


Between June 2020 and September 2021, Douglas Wright, Jr., an operations manager at Amazon’s Charlotte warehouse, allegedly stole products with a total value of more than $273,000, using his access to get computer parts like internal hard drives and processors, according to the DOJ. Wright said in court on Friday that he shipped the products to his home, then sold them to a computer wholesale company in California.

Wright faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. A sentencing date has not been set.

20 years for stealing $250k, yet 10 years for trying to aggressively kill someone, 7 years for kidnapping, 10 years for manslaughter, 8 for rape I...

Local Weather Station

As I alluded to in my previous blog entry, I had a basic problem - different weather stations giving me different actual temperatures for my local area. Now I get there are local variations within a town, micro weather is a real phenomenon. However sometimes the weather stations were out by more than 8°C. So I decided to take matters in my own hands - how hard can it be?

It started with this component:

Full Article

Conflicting measurements?

What do you do when your home thermostat tells you the outside temperature is 8˚C lower than what your Apple Watch tells you? Who do you believe?

Millennial Code - Real Production Code

This is how I'd expect a modern millennial to code (you know - the kind of person who considers facts to be particular opinions).

private bool CheckExist(out int id, out bool manageAll, out string orgCode)
        bool Yes = false; 
        id = -1;
        foreach (DataRow r in dv.Table.Rows)
            if (r.ItemArray[1].ToString() == TextBoxUsername.Text && 
                r.ItemArray[2].ToString() == TextBoxPassword.Text)
                Yes = true;
                id = (int) r.ItemArray[0];

    return Yes;

Because Everything Has To Be Equal

So, so stupid. We now have a pregnant man emoticon. I get the inclusivity thing, but if we want to have equal representation for every possible combination of anything that can happen or can be imagined, then we will run out of resources.

Pregnant Man - because, well we do get pregnant!
Pregnant Man - because, well we do get pregnant!