Aug. 19, 2011, 10:52 a.m.
IT | Rants

Why Lion's new auto save sucks

I get why Apple introduced the new automatic save feature - it will certainly assist people new to computers to not lose work. However it is not thought through very well.

The problem? OmniGraffle has been updated recently to support this new feature. However as anyone using OmniGraffle knows, saving a large document can take some time. My document takes 10 seconds to save. That means whenever I move focus off the document or in to the document, this thing goes into autosave mode and I get a nice spinning beachball.

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I long for the day where I have control over things. I want to decide when to save and when not to. Now I have to spend my time waiting for things happening which I do not want to happen, or spend time figuring out how to revert changes that were saved when you actually did not want to have it persisted.

This new world is maybe fine for newcomers to the world of computers, but for old timers like me who started way back with MS-DOS 3.3, I find this hard to adjust to as it does not really help me in any way.

I can see myself in 20 years from now driving in a car that… drives itself… and long for the days where I could grab the steering wheel, put my foot to the floor and drive like a free man - in control of my own destiny.